August 7-10, 2025
Graduate by Hilton Hotels
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Join ISMRD at our 7th International Glycoproteinoses Conference: Together We Are Strong in Minneapolis, MN, USA from August 7-10, 2025. During these three days, families, patients, doctors, researchers and pharmaceutical companies will work together to strengthen our community and our common goals. New partnerships will be forged, the seeds of new plans and strategies will be sown, new attachments formed. Coming together during this conference will help us to become even stronger!
ISMRD is the leading world advocate for the nine Glycoproteinoses:
Alpha-Mannosidosis, Aspartylglucosaminuria (AGU), Beta-Mannosidosis, Fucosidosis, Galactosialidosis, Mucolipidosis ll Alpha/Beta, Mucolipidosis lll Gamma, Schindler Disease and Sialidosis.
The theme of our conference is “Together We Are Strong”. This is in keeping with ISMRD’s Mission of seeking to detect and cure the Glycoprotein Storage Diseases, and to provide a global network of support and information, through partnerships built with medicine, science and industry. We have always known that working together is our greatest strength.
ISMRD’s 7th International Glycoproteinoses Conference advisory board is excited to release the Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities via the links below. Please note that sponsorship items will be assigned in a fair and balanced manner, based on the date the online application and payment are received, and the company’s priority points. Popular sponsorship items sell out quickly, so companies are encouraged to submit their applications early.
As a potential sponsor, please use the following links to access more information for ISMRD’s 7th International Glycoproteinoses Conference 2025:
1. Registration
2. Sponsorship Opportunities