Robert’s Road to Recovery Journal

Presented by the International Society for Mannosidosis & Related Diseases.

Kathleen’s Diary: June 1, 2002


BMT + 59

The change in Robert this last week has been miraculous. Who would have thought just a week or two ago that they would now be talking about what is needed to send Robert home.

Robert is healthy enough to have had his brother, Matthew, visit yesterday. While there was a spike in his blood pressure while Matt was here, they had a great reunion, and Robert slept through the night after Matt left.

He fell asleep around 8:30 and I was able to turn off Scooby Doo and turn on the basketball game.


Did you know there is a basketball team in Sacramento? When did that happen? Weren’t the Kings in Kansas City, Key West, Kalamazoo, Kookamunga, Buckingham Palace or somewhere like that? Hard to believe these very same Kings might be going to the final against New Jersey! They’d already be on the road if they hadn’t gotten jobbed by the refs who suddenly lost their whistles at the end of the game.


He just woke up, having slept 11 hours last night.

It’s fashionable to credit the doctors, nurses, nurses’ assistance, prayers of many, miracle drugs, parents, grandparents, etc… for Robert’s recovery. The credit is well deserved.

But that isn’t the whole story.

Uncle Dan (that’s me talking in the third person) finished up his first semester of college last week and was able to spend more time with Robert. I know, y’all are probably thinking what’s that matter with Uncle Dan, does he think the world revolves around him? Of course I do (switching from third person. It can start sounding silly if overused,) but that is beside the point.

Notice I’m not saying I deserve all the credit. I’m giving amble credit to the doctors, nurses, etc… I’m sure the prayers of everyone did a world of good. But the talk here is about the change over the last week.

Was there an up-tick in praying this week? Did the doctors or nurses suddenly start giving Robert better care? Did they try a new miracle drug? Nope, the variable that changed was that Robert’s favorite uncle (sorry I have to be the one to break the news to Uncles Tom, Robert, Al, Tim, Andreas, Chris and Bill) was able to spend time at UCSF with his nephew. This doesn’t imply that doctors and nurses should discontinue their excellent care, or that the prayers for Robert should stop. I’m sure they all had some value in Robert’s recovery.

Let’s just not forget the Power of Dan (switching between first and third works for me.)

Maybe it’s time I take this act on the road. No reason I should limit my healing capabilities to family and friends. Next school break I should head for the Middle East, see if my healing powers can work there.

Sorry no numbers. Us faith healers leave that sort of stuff to those that need such earthly tangibles.

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